Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015

EF#29: About Someone "They and You"

This theme more difficult for me cause many people influence my life, but I want to share about "They" and "you", who are there?

This is about weekly challange in English Friday last week, but I'm late the post. we must telling about someone.


They are my parent "mom and daddy" who teached me about hardwork, strenght to pass any problem of life, endurance, to know about religion, education, and reality of life. "nothing is perfect but we can make it our life be goodnes and happy if we apply Alquran and Hadist, Their instruction."

my parent

Many kind of  "you" who I mean, such as: My Husband who lead my hand with patience to be a good wife and mother for our child. My Little Girl who teach me about endurance and spirit of my life, so our family look perfect. 
my husband and my girl
My friend unun whose give me motivation and inspiration to write antalogy book and to be a blogger, thanks a lot yaa. all of blogger friend who teached me about blog. brother Husamah and Mr. Agus "Mawa", the first time teacher about write creation about scientific, long time no see. success for you.


brother husamah and Mr. Agus

10 komentar:

FebriyanLukito.com yg omdo mengatakan...

Whoaa, you have many people around you who really inspiring. :)

Btw, if you don't mind, you can check the post on BEC - a review from mentor is for your post.

Vita mengatakan...

This week's challenge is also good that we get to remember and be thankful for everyone that we have around us :D

zaqiamomfafa.com mengatakan...

febrian lukito: you're the expert brother hihi... I'm so bad about english so I want study anymore

Vita: right sister...everything can give us aspiration and inspiration yeah

Berkece.com mengatakan...

SO sweet banged ya mba :D

Rio Haryanto mengatakan...

Waoooo.. hebat ya keluarganya :) semoga diberi kesehatan selalu ya mba..

zaqiamomfafa.com mengatakan...

Berkece.com: mkasih uda mampir yaaa...hehe

Rio: Amin terimakasih do'anya ya ^_^

Ramuan Tradisional mengatakan...

lagi santai nih :D

zaqiamomfafa.com mengatakan...

Ramuan Tradisional: syiiip..hihi

Cara Mengatasi Kista Ovarium Pecah Terbaik Katalogibu.com mengatakan...

wah kerenn kalii ya

breaktime.co.id mengatakan...


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